Building Community Excellence, One Structure at a Time

At Miles-McClellan, we recently celebrated Construction Inclusion Week, an annual event that harnesses the collective power of general contractors, specialty contractors, subcontractors and suppliers to build awareness and improve diversity and inclusion in the construction industry across the nation.
The celebration which took place between October 17–21 centered around five daily themes, including commitment & accountability, belonging, supplier diversity, workplace culture and community engagement. As we participated in these daily themes, we were reminded of why we do what we do.
We are not only Building Excellence in our structures, but we are building excellent communities — inclusive communities in which our team is proud to live, work, participate and give back.
We Build Communities We Are Proud To Live In
What makes someone proud to live in their community? Though the answer is not particularly clear and is not the same for every community, three factors stand out — safety, security and access to health care. Miles-McClellan has built safter communities through projects like the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department and the Mooresville Fire Station 6 in North Carolina
It is our commitment to not only make it easier to protect communities, but also to be a part of the construction of facilities that make it easier for our community heroes to do their jobs and take care of themselves by offering gyms, kitchens, rest areas and recreation.
We have improved access to great healthcare for everyone in Columbus by being a part of projects at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, OhioHealth and Whitehall Heart of Ohio Family Health Center.
Some other important factors in community pride are arts, culture and beauty. We couldn’t be prouder of the work we have done to enhance these community assets, including projects with Franklin Park Conservatory and the Pizzuti Collection Art Gallery in Columbus, Ohio, and the Chatham County Agriculture & Civic Center in Pittsboro, NC.
We Build Communities We Are Proud To Work In
Connection, collaboration, accessibility are assets of great working communities. By building structures that make it easier to commute, park and build strong partnerships, Miles-McClellan is building community pride.
Community pride requires a thriving workforce with access to education and training. Miles-McClellan has led construction projects for all levels of education, from Isaac Dickson Elementary in Asheville, North Carolina to Marietta College’s Harrison Hall in Ohio. And we build offices and facilities anyone would be proud to work in, like the Honda Aircraft Co. World Headquarters and Research Development facility in Greensboro, North Carolina, projects for Scotts Miracle-Gro in Ohio and Proctor & Gamble production facilities in both North and South Carolina.
We Build Communities We Are Proud To Give Back To
We have witnessed how communities have been strengthened through infrastructure, but it is our goal to strengthen them even further through corporate giving, volunteerism and meaningful partnerships.
As a company we support 58 non-profit organizations, provide paid internships and donate to causes important to our employees and clients.
Over the years, we have built a variety schools, hospitals, health centers, libraries, fire and police stations, churches, museums, restaurants, hotels and more. With each project, we have left more than a building; we have left a legacy for every hand, head and heart who helped build these structures and every man, women and child who use them.
Making an IMMPact in the communities we serve is at the core of all our projects, and our commitment to our people, our clients and our communities is unwavering. Contact Miles-McClellan for more information about our projects, our team or our community support.