Building a Brighter Future Through Nonprofit Construction

Grove City Library is one of many non-profit construction projects completed by Miles-McClellan

One of the most satisfying aspects of our work in the construction industry is getting to see firsthand how our projects improve communities and make an IMMPact. Nonprofit construction is especially rewarding for our team, as nonprofit construction is driven by the mission to create spaces that empower residents, improve quality of life and improve safety, which aligns with the values our company has held for over 46 years.

Our work in nonprofit construction covers a wide variety of different structures, including community centers, parks and healthcare centers. While nonprofit construction is incredibly rewarding, at times it can present a variety of unique challenges. Proper planning and strategy are key.

In this blog we outline our top tips to help your next nonprofit construction project go smoothly and be successful.

Make Sure the Vision is Clear

Before ever breaking ground, make sure all goals, objectives and uses for this space are clearly defined. Will the space have multiple uses? What purpose will it ultimately serve? What budget constraints could arise? Making sure everyone is on the same page as far as vision is incredibly important, and when it comes to nonprofit construction, that vision must remain agreed upon and consistent amongst multiple people, including nonprofit staff, board members, community leaders and stakeholders.

Secure Funding Early and Develop a Realistic Budget

Funding is a crucial part of construction in any industry, but it can be especially complex for nonprofit projects. Nonprofit funding usually comes from a combination of grants, donations and loans, and all of that should be secured before construction begins. All involved with funding should receive full transparency about the project’s goals, timeline and financial needs, and project teams need to develop a detailed and realistic budget that accounts for all aspects of the project, including permits, materials, labor, contingency funds and potential delays.

Document Everything

Because nonprofit organizations have a variety of different stakeholders they must answer to, keeping detailed records of all communications, contracts, permits, change orders and financial transactions is essential. This documentation will be invaluable for accountability, and reporting to funders, the board and government agencies.

Stay Transparent

We’ve said this before, and we’ll say it again – transparency should be a priority on any construction project!  Establish a communication plan from the very beginning that includes regular updates and open lines of communication for the key players involved. This builds trust, ensures everyone is on the same page, reduces mistakes and builds excellence.

Keep the Community Involved

Don’t forget that the end goal of nonprofit structures is to support the community, so let the community know of important updates! Showcase on your website, newsletters, emails and social media platform all of the milestones of the project. The community will love hearing about the progess of the project, and may have valuable feedback that could be useful!

We Are Doing Our Part to Make a Difference!

Nonprofit construction has a special place in our hearts, because making an IMMPact in the community is an important part of our values. In fact, as a company we support 58 non-profit organizations, provide paid internships, offer apprenticeships and mentoring, support our employees’ causes monetarily and allow them to volunteer during work hours.

How can we help ensure your next nonprofit construction project lives up to your vision? Contact us and let’s discover how working together, we can change lives!